In our first video blog post, Lisa Fajgenbaum, Private Risk Advisor with USI Insurance Services, joins me to address a number of common questions I get asked when considering property and casualty (P & C) insurance.
Lisa has helped a number of families I serve over the years as they outgrow the everyday insurance providers and recently provided a thorough review of my own family’s P & C insurance coverage (which was incredibly helpful).
In this video, we discuss:
– Professional designations within the P & C insurance industry.
– What families should consider when choosing their auto and homeowner’s insurance.
– Commonly missed areas of risk that many families overlook as they accumulate assets.
– How to help determine an appropriate level of umbrella liability coverage.
– Considerations when choosing your deductibles.
– At what point do you “outgrow” the coverage everyday insurance carriers provide?
– How often should you review your P & C insurance policies?
– Best practices to follow in case you need to make future claims.
– Things to consider from a risk standpoint as we gather for the holiday season.
We hope you enjoy our conversation!
About the Author
Michael T. Powers, CPA, PFS, CFP® (Mike), is a flat fee-only financial planner based in Richmond, VA serving clients virtually nationwide.
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