April 25, 2022

In the News: I Bonds

If you have not yet heard, there is an interesting investment option currently available that takes advantage of the high inflationary environment: Series I Savings Bonds (also known as “I Bonds”). Last week I was asked by the team at SoundDollar to write about I Bonds and what to consider before purchasing any.

If you’re interested in learning more about them, here is a link to the full article. My into is below:

It’s pretty rare that I get excited about investing in anything other than low-cost index funds. But today, I am excited.


Because there is an investment opportunity available that almost no one had heard of until recently. It’s backed by the US federal government, can earn interest tax-deferred and is actually keeping up with the current high inflationary environment, meaning unlike cash, it is not quickly losing its purchasing power as prices soar.

What is it?

It’s called a Series I Savings Bond, and is commonly referred to as an I Bond. Here’s what you should know about I Bonds and how to take advantage of them.

I’ve also had the good fortune of being featured in a number of other articles and podcasts recently. If you find that you can’t sleep at night, here is the full list.

About the Author

Michael T. Powers, CPA, PFS, CFP® (Mike), is a flat fee-only financial planner based in Richmond, VA serving clients virtually nationwide. He has been fortunate enough to help hundreds of people successfully retire over his career. As a CPA, being tax efficient in financial decisions is always on his mind.

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash.

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